Blaine Willenborg
Blaine Willenborg
Blaine Willenborg
Blaine Willenborg
YTD Rank: ${ytdRank} Career High Rank (${careerDate}): ${careerRank}
  • Personal
  • Doubles titles: 7, as follows: 1989--(1) Florence (w/DePalmer) 1987--(2) Munich (w/Pugh), Indianapolis (w/Warder) 1986--(1) Athens (w/Pimek) 1984--(2) Bordeaux (w/Slozil), Palermo (w/Smid) 1983--(1) Geneva (w/Birner) Year-by-Year Highlights: 1989- Doubles Quarterfinalist at French Open (w/Motta), Barcelona (w/Lendl). 1988- Doubles Runner-up at Lyon (w/Mortensen). 1987- Quarterfinalist at Lyon, Bologna; Doubles Runner-up at Bologna (w/Panatta), Washington (w/Warder); Doubles Semifinalist 3 Times. 1986- Runner-up at Porto Alegre-2 Challenger; Doubles Runner-up at Bologna (w/Panatta); Doubles Semifinalist at Rome (w/Arias), Houston (w/Warwick). 1985- Doubles Runner-up at Bordeaux (w/Pimek); Doubles Semifinalist at Boston (w/Ross); Doubles Quarterfinalist at French Open (w/T. Giammalva). 1984- Quarterfinalist at North Conway; Doubles Runner-up at North Conway (w/Motta), Washington (w/Gitlin). One of the game's top doubles players. He won two titles and finished an all-time best No. 17 on the ATP computer doubles rankings in 1987. Also reached the quarterfinals twice in singles (Lyon, Bologna). A two-time French Open doubles quarterfinalist (1987, 1985). Ranked No. 1 in singles and doubles in the 12s, 14s, 16s, and 18s. Also a member of the U.S. Junior Davis Cup team in 1978. A two-time All-America at UCLA (1978-79) where he graduated in 1983 with a degree in psychology. Earned a career-high $64,988 in 1987. Finished his career in 1989, winning his seventh career doubles title (w/DePalmer) at Florence and ranking No. 114 in doubles. Personal: currently resides in Miami Shores, FL with wife Lori and children Blair, Mallory and Blaine...Retired from ATP Tour in 1990...Director of Tennis at the Athletic Club of Weston and Weston Hills Country Club...organized charity tennis event to benefit "Kids in Distress" which raised over one million dollars over four years...1997 became financial advisor for Merrill a vice president for Smith Barney.


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