Bong-Soo Kim
Bong-Soo Kim
Bong-Soo Kim
Bong-Soo Kim
YTD Rank: ${ytdRank} Career High Rank (${careerDate}): ${careerRank}
  • Personal
  • Residence: Anyang, Korea Wife, Eun-Hee.
    Year-by-Year Highlights:
    1989- Winner at Beijing Ch., Japanese Sat. (w/38 ATP pts.); Runner-up at Hong
    Kong, Korean Sat. (w/24 ATP pts.); Semifinalist at Kuala Lumpur Ch.;Quarter
    finalist at Seoul, Nagoya Ch., Jakarta Ch.
    1988- Second at Asian Sat. (w/35 ATP pts.); Semifinalist at Guangzhou Ch.
    Replaced Andres Gomez in the 1988 Seoul Olympic Games and upset No. 4
    seed Henri Leconte in five sets before losing in the third round.
    A soldier in the South Korean army.
    Improved from 308 to a year-end best No. 129 on the ATP computer while
    earning a career-high $15,666.


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