Manuel Orantes
Manuel Orantes
Manuel Orantes
Manuel Orantes
YTD Rank: ${ytdRank} Career High Rank (${careerDate}): ${careerRank}
  • Personal
  • One of tennis's true gentlemen and sportsmen, the ever-graceful Orantes won 34 singles titles in his career. He also garnered the national championships in 10 different countries and qualified for the Masters [now named Nitto ATP Finals] in six consecutive years (1972-77). He will be best remembered for his shocking, but decisive, defeat of Jimmy Connors in the 1975 U.S. Open final. Orantes laboured on-court until nearly midnight the day before in an epic semi-final against Guillermo Vilas. "Manolo" rallied from 0-5 down in the fouth set in one of the Open Era's all-time great matches - not to mention comebacks. He has had major troubles with his left arm (surgery three times). Wife, Rosa...


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