Peter Tramacchi
Peter Tramacchi
Peter Tramacchi
Peter Tramacchi
YTD Rank: ${ytdRank} Career High Rank (${careerDate}): ${careerRank}
  • Personal
  • Residence: Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia Single
    Year-by-Year Highlights:
    1993- Winner at Malaysian Sat. (w/41 pts.); R-up at Adelaide Ch. (as lucky
    loser); Third at Australian #2 Sat. (w/46 pts.).
    Began playing tennis at age 8.
    Grew up watching Bjorn Borg, Stefan Edberg and Ivan Lendl as favorites.
    The youngest in the family of seven children (four brothers and two
    sisters). Parents are farmers.
    Enjoys water skiing, golf, cricket and rugby league.
    Reached the quarterfinals of the Australian Open Juniors in 1988.
    Played club tennis in Germany (fourth division) in 1993 and said it was
    a "good learning experience."
    Qualified for his first Tour match in January 1994 at Adelaide and lost
    in the first round to Greg Rusedski.


    Favorite sporting teams are the Brisbane Broncos (NRL) and the Brisbane Lions (AFL)...Enjoys golf and cricket.


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