Robert Van't Hof
Robert Van't Hof
Robert Van't Hof
Robert Van't Hof
YTD Rank: ${ytdRank} Career High Rank (${careerDate}): ${careerRank}
  • Personal
  • Singles titles: 2, as follows: Doubles titles: 6, as follows: 1990--(2) Auckland, San Francisco 1989--(1) Seoul (as qualifier) (w/Jones) 1981--(1) Taipei 1986--(1) Atlanta (w/Kohlberg) 1985--(1) Los Angeles (w/S. Davis) 1984--(1) Bristol (w/Stefanki) 1982--(1) Taipei (w/Stefanki) Year-by-Year Highlights: 1989- Doubles Runner-up at Capetown-3 Ch. (w/Pate); Doubles Semifinalist at Japan Open (w/Castle), Queen's (w/Anger). 1988- Third Round at Japan Open; Doubles Semifinalist at Detroit (w/Grabb). 1987- Quarterfinalist at Nagoya Ch. 1985- Dobules Semifinalist at Japan Open; Doubles Quarterfinalist at US Open (w/Kohlberg). 1984- Doubles Semifinalist at Cleveland; Doubles Quarterfinalist at Jaoan Open, Taipei (w/Stefanki). 1983- Runner-up at Johannesburg Ch.; Semifinalist at Las Vegas; Quarterfinalist at LaQuinta; RD 16 at Wimbledon. 1982- Runner-up at Cleveland (l. S. Mayer); Semifinalist at Auckland; Quarterfinalist at Stowe, Tokyo Indoor, Taipei 1981- Quarterfinalist at Tampa. 1980- Runner-up at Hobart (l. Glickstein); Quarterfinalist at Sarasota. All-American at the University of Southern California in 1980 as he won the NCAA singles title, defeating Peter Rennert. Earned a career-high $63,107 and ranked a year-end best No. 31 on the ATP computer in 1983. Captured his second career singles title at Seoul in 1989 (as a qualifier). He won his first title at Taipei in 1981. Personal: wife Betsy and children Kaes (1986), Elizabeth (1988) and Brecht (1992)...Director of Tennis at the Palisades Tennis Club in Newport Beach, CA since 1994...Inducted into the ITA Hall of Fame in 2003...Runner-up in the National Father and Son Hardcourt Championships in 2005 with son Kaes who attends USC.


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