Wojtek Kowalski
Wojtek Kowalski
Wojtek Kowalski
Wojtek Kowalski
YTD Rank: ${ytdRank} Career High Rank (${careerDate}): ${careerRank}
  • Personal
  • Residence: Warszawa, Poland Single
    Year-by-Year Highlights:
    1989- Quarterfinalist at Furth Ch.; Doubles Semifinalist at Heilbronn Ch.
    1988- Runner-up at Travemunde Ch.; Quarterfinalist at Clermont Ch., Furth Ch.
    Doubles Winner at Montabaur Ch. (w/Cunha-Silva), Copenhagen Ch. (w/Bloom);
    Doubles Runner-up at Furth Ch. (w/Marcu), Valkenswaard Ch. (w/Saceanu);
    Doubles SF at Clermont Ch. (w/Cunha-Silva), Helsinki Ch. (w/Ivanisevic).
    Member of the Polish Davis Cup team 1987-present.
    He reached the quarterfinals of the European Junior Championships and
    was a semifinalist in doubles in 1985.
    Reached the doubles quarterfinals at the 1985 French Open and Wimbledon
    Junior Championships.
    Coached by Pawel Strauss of Helsinborg, Sweden.
    Played in the 1988 Seoul Olympic Games.


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