Residence: Calgary, Alberta, Canada Single
Year-by-Year Highlights:
1995- QF at New Haven.
1994- Winner at Celle Ch.; R-up at Wolfsburg Ch.; SF at Montebello Ch.; QF at
Taipei Ch., Beijing.;Doubles Winner at Nagoya(w/Nestor),Manila Chs.(w/Paes)
1993- R-up at Vancouver Ch. (l. to Thorne); SF at Kuala Lumpur-1 Ch.; QF at
Bronx Ch., Calgary Ch.
1992- Doubles SF at Perth Ch. (w/Aler).
Began playing tennis at age nine.
Father, Airman, is a pathologist, and mother, Yolanda, has a PhD in
botany. Younger brother Kevin attends Columbia Univ. Father is from Hong
Kong and mother from Taiwan.
Won the Canadian national 18s title in 1988, the same year he entered
Harvard. Earned a degree in biology from Harvard in 1992.
Enjoys reggae music and says, "Basically I'm conservative but every now
and then I go nuts."
Coached by Greg Russell (since February 1993).
Selected as Division II representative of the 1994-95 ATP Tour Player