Residence: Camden, South Carolina Wife, Cheryl
Doubles title: (married Dec. 1,'89)
1992--(1) Washington (w/Palmer)
Year-by-Year Highlights:
1989- Third Round at Australian Open; Semifinalist at Guadeloupe Ch.; Quarter
finalist at Madeira Ch.; Doubles Winner at Bossonnens Ch. (w/Kinnear).
1988- Semifinalist, Doubles Runner-up at Bossonnens Ch. (w/Scanlon); Doubles
Semifinalist at Cascais Ch. (w/Scanlon).
1987- Third at USTA Satellite #3 (w/14 ATP pts.).
Moved from No. 583 to 406 on the ATP computer after upsetting top-seeded
Menno Oosting at the Bossonnens Ch. en route to the semifinals.
Played at the University of Southwestern Lousiana from 1985-88 where he
earned singles and doubles All-America honors during his sophomore year. He
finished his junior year ranked No. 2 in the country in doubles (w/Ashley
He turned pro in the summer of 1988 after his junior year.
He was a high school All-America in 1985.
Began playing tennis at age 6.
Has improved steadily on the ATP computer rankings each of the last two
years, moving from 461 (in 1987) to 335 (in 1988) to 300 (in 1989).
Qualified in two Grand Slam tournaments in 1989 -- reaching the third
round of the Australian Open and losing in the first round at Wimbledon.
Earned a career-high $51,839 and reached two doubles finals in 1991.
Captured his first career tour doubles title on July 19, 1992 in Washing
ton (w/Palmer) as the duo beat top-seeded Grabb-Reneberg in the semifinals
and No. 3 Flach-Witsken in the final. Jumped from 108 to a career-high 70.