Paradorn Srichaphan
Paradorn Srichaphan
Paradorn Srichaphan
Paradorn Srichaphan
Este Año Ranking: ${ytdRank} Mejor Ránking (${careerDate}): ${careerRank}
  • Personal
  • Nicknamed "Ball" in his native country...Began playing tennis at age six with his father, Chanachai, who quit his bank job to coach son...Mother, Ubon, is a school teacher...Finished No. 10 in world junior rankings in 1996... Triple gold medalist, winning singles, doubles (w/older brother Naratorn) and team categories at 1999 Southeast Asia Games in Brunei...Also has an older brother, Tanakorn...Considers groundstrokes as strength and hard courts as favorite surface...Hobbies include car racing and watching Thai kickboxing...Believes in touching the ground where he plays for good luck and says, "I pick up the grass if I have time before the match. I put it in my pocket."...Got the idea from the Pope...Tries to dine with Thai ambassador in countries where he plays...Says red is his "lucky color and it's like the winning color for Thai people. That's why I'm starting to wearing it."...He first started wearing a red shirt in Washington, where he made the final..."When I put the red shirt on, that means I'm going to finish the match, and I'm going to win the match," he added...Is Thai cultural ambassador and was issued a red diplomatic passport..."Thai of the Year" in 2002...Earned a spot on cover of Time Asia's magazine in April 2003 and chosen as one of its 29 Asian heroes for 2003...Has 33-13 Davis Cup record (31-10 in singles) in 24 ties since 1998...2002 ATP Most Improved Player and 2002-03 Stefan Edberg Sportsmanship Award...Carried his country's flag in opening ceremonies of 2004 Athens Olympics...In November 2005, shaved his head and dressed in a monk's robe before being paraded through streets sitting atop an elephant to begin weeklong service of monkhood outside of Bangkok and took Buddhist name "Mahaviro", which means "great and brave"...Travels with physio Yioyim Teerawat.


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