Tommy Ho
Tommy Ho
Tommy Ho
Tommy Ho
Este Año Ranking: ${ytdRank} Mejor Ránking (${careerDate}): ${careerRank}
  • Personal
  • Residence: Houston, TX; Doubles titles: 4, as follows: 1995--(3) Indian Wells (w/Steven), Hong Kong 1994--(1) Beijing (w/Kinnear), Beijing (w/Lareau) 1988- Second round at Rye Brook (youngest player ever to win a Grand Prix match at 15 years, 2 months, d. Matt Anger) Youngest male player ever to play in the U.S. Open (l. Johan Kriek). Won the USTA National Championships at Kalamazoo, MI in 1988. Decided to turn pro in December 1988 after capturing 17 US National titles and two Orange Bowl titles. Named Junior Player of the Year by both World Tennis and Tennis magazines. Captured his first career ATP Tour doubles title on Oct. 23, 1994 in Beijing (w/Kinnear). Semi-finalist with Brett Steven at Roland Garros in 1995, finishing the year as the 7th best doubles team in the world. Singles wins over Rafter, Rios, Haas, Philippoussis, and Bruguera. Graduated Magna Cum Laude with a BA in Economics from Rice University in 2001. Currently a senior associate for Korn Ferry International, following years as a financial advisor with both Goldman Sachs and UBS. Nominated to the USTA Board of Directors in 2008.


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